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Make a life-saving donation

to help patients and families suffering

from Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's disease

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Number of Americans suffering from Alzheimer's disease as of 2025


Estimated number of Americans

who died with Alzheimer's disease in 2025


Estimated new cases of invasive Breast Cancer in 2025


Estimated number of deaths related to breast cancer

in 2025

Care For A Cure

Our Mission

Care for a Cure is a 501 c (3) non-profit charity, working diligently to free the world of Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. To achieve this objective, funding research initiatives are imperative to finding a cure and support patients and families of those suffering from these horrible diseases. We can do this together. We CARE and know you do too!

CARE - bourbonator - black - front and b
Clothes for a Cure

Get your whiskey and bourbon themed

t-shirts while supporting Care for a Cure's Breast Cancer and Alzheimer Disease initiatives and programs.  

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Available Now

Care for A Cure is proud to announce our  audiobook, in partnership with NFL legend Rocky Bleier, called “A Rocky Bleier Christmas.”


In the audiobook, Rocky Bleier narrates five classic Christmas stories for you and the entire family to enjoy. Proceeds benefit Care for A Cure, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, for Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s research and awareness.


The Care Blog

We have a curated blog of the leading edge medical developments, research, programs, and news relating to Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Learn the important signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer.

It’s normal for people to become a bit forgetful as they age. So how can you tell a harmless "senior moment" from Alzheimer's disease?

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Featured Article

8 Dementia Myths and the Truth Behind Them

Maybe you've heard that drug abuse causes dementia, or that red wine will protect you from the disease. Here are the facts.

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Our Areas of Impact

A pillar of CARE's strategy for creating a long lasting impact against Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's disease is by funding critial research for the creation of treatments and cures.

Family Care

CARE funds educational programs, in-home medical assistance personnel, and general support for families of those suffering from these diseases.


CARE supports advocacy initiatives from Washington DC to Main Street USA that bring awareness to Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's disease and the plight of those suffering from them.

Featured Educational Video

"What is Alzheimer's Disease"


Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting over 40 million people worldwide. And though it was discovered over a century ago, scientists are still grappling for a cure. Ivan Seah Yu Jun describes how Alzheimer's affects the brain, shedding light on the different phases of this complicated, destructive disease.

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